Made for Love Season 1

Cristin Milioti (the eponymous Mother in the TV series How I Met Your Mother) portrays Hazel Green, wife of tech billionaire Byron Gogol (portrayed by Billy Magnussen). She is never allowed to leave Gogol's tech palace. He controls her nap time, the games she can play, the books she can read, and the movies she can see. She does not own a phone. After learning that her husband implanted a chip in her brain that will let him see, hear, and feel everything she does, she finally escapes her abusive marriage.

Imagine divorcing, say, Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk, then take it up by a hundred notches by making him controlling, obsessive, and immature, and you have the premise of this TV series.

Cristin Milioti is an amazing actress. She can be elegant, demure, and sophisticated one minute, then a neurotic and ungraceful hot mess in another. Billy Magnussen is equally talended, playing a douchebag who actually sincerely believes he is doing everything he is doing in the name of love.

Made for Love can be streamed on HBO GO.


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