Notes on Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2
SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT 1. In which Jon tries to ghost Danaerys, so she goes chasing him and all. 2. It is still so sweet that Jon referred to Danaerys as "Dany", because he seems to be the only person in the show who calls her by that nickname (apart from her brother Viserys, back in Season 1). 3. Then Jon tells Dany that he is her nephew. What Dany should have said: "But you're my BOYFRIEND! What will happen to our love?" Instead, she goes apeshit about her claim to the Iron Throne being threatened. 4. This fan service and/or fan fiction of an episode, which may or may not exist in a universe parallel to the A Song of Ice and Fire books, is bewildering. Too weird to be canon. 5. Big wolf doggo Ghost is back! Who's the good boy? Who's the best boy? 6. All these characters doing and saying crazy things (yes, I'm looking at you, Arya, you irresponsible tart). But then again, it IS the end of the worl...