Thoughts on Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral

Copyright: TBA Studios/Artikulo Uno Productions
(Full of spoilers if you didn't pay attention to your Philippine History class, you lazy student you)
1. Think 300 or Rogue One, but so much sadder. There are no victories here, not even small ones. This film even makes one wonder: Did Goyo die in vain?
 2. For someone who hasn't bathed or washed in weeks, Goyo, portrayed by Paulo Avelino, sure looks well-kempt and pretty?
 3. The best thing about this film is that it  entices you to read more about Philippine History.  First in my reading list: The Letters of Apolinario Mabini by Apolinario Mabini.
 4. The film reminds us to not be guided by people and idols but by our principles, and that blind loyalty to the President does not equate to loyalty to the country.
 5. Gwen Zamora is captivating as Remedios Nable Jose, Goyo's love interest. Her eyes speak volumes, even if most of the time she barely speaks or moves.
 6. Excellent screenplay by Palanca awardee Rody Vera.
 7. The song at the end of the film is just exquisite. I have been trying to Google its name, but to no avail.
 8. Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral is one of the best films in modern  Philippine Cinema.


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