Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Notes on Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (now on Netflix): 1. This is a fun, fun, fun movie to watch. This is Leo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt in their element, and this is their kind of movie. 2. Leo and Brad have awesome chemistry together. Rick (played by Leo), a narcissistic almost has-been movie star, and Cliff (played by Brad), his "more than a brother, but less than a wife" sidekick and stuntman. 3. This film features real celebrities--Sharon Tate, Roman Polanski, Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, et al. In real life, Tate, Sebring, Folger, and Voytek Frykowski were killed by the Manson family (the hippies who tried to kill Cliff, Rick, and his wife, Francesca). In Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, the hippies break into Rick's house instead. This movie gives us a fantasy "what-if". 4. Awesome soundtrack. 5. So Brad Pitt's character just easily beats Bruce Lee Bruce Lee, who can go against the Chuck Norrises of this world. Yes, this mo...